Chief exec urges radical thinking

Author: Local Government Chronicle   |  

The chief executive of a London borough says radical new thinking is needed as the authority looks to savings of £50m up to 2014. Brent’s Gareth Daniel told senior managers that the economic outlook for local government was tough as the sector came to the end of an era of year-on-year spending growth. “That particular party is very definitely over, but a harsh financial climate is no excuse for poor services or a lack of ambition.

“These savings are necessary to help fund increasing demand for social care and education services over the next five years.”

“Brent must reduce our costs by £50m over the four year period 2010-14. This needs a massive focus on cost-cutting, securing greater efficiency, reducing waste and duplication and generating income in order to avoid cuts in jobs and services.”

The council hopes that large-scale cuts in services and jobs can be avoided through greater efficiency and cost-cutting.

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