Building back better and building beautiful have to be grounded in ‘genius loci’ – the spirit and harmony of the places and localities in which we are creating well-designed homes and delivering the vital infrastructure to renew or create strong communities. Beyond homes themselves, the discretionary decisions made in local policy around the public realm cast long shadows in determining the character of places, potentially for generations.
Our placemaking workstream seeks to examine the role of housing and infrastructure in promoting opportunity and prosperity, the role of investment in leading renewal and the role of planning in creating successful and sustainable communities.
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The fight for cleaner air is one of liveability. What changes and investments are society willing to take for their place to be a more pleasant one to live and work in? How willing are people, businesses and governments to change the way they operate for a more sustainable economy? At what point do questions […]
The state of the public service market is much more precarious now than in the past, with a number of major government contracts being either cancelled or bailed out at taxpayer expense. With concerns over profitability mounting and contracting bodies seeking to meet stringent savings’ targets, margins for failure have become perilously narrow. As profitability […]
Skills reform is a political priority, a point acknowledged in the emphasis placed on it in the Government’s Industrial Strategy, which vowed to “put technical education on the same footing as our academic system, with apprenticeships and qualifications such as T-levels”. A critical component of skills reform is developing a robust further education (FE) sector. […]
Universities contribute to one in every hundred new business births in the UK . Across the country, there are pockets of excellence in supporting enterprise and entrepreneurship and there is an escalator of business support. But too many universities are doing too little. According to national research , 35% of universities did not contribute to […]
This report shows the disparity in robustness of England’s local labour markets. Looking at the vulnerabilities of local labour markets to the impact of changes to migration policy after Brexit, the automation of manual jobs, and the challenges of deficient skills bases and demographics, we see a country which is moving beyond the ‘north-south divide’ as […]
The number of homes bought by people aged twenty-five to forty-four with a mortgage has dropped by over 1.6 million in just over a decade. Over the same period the number of homes owned outright by people aged over sixty-five increased by over 1.4 million. What we are witnessing is the accelerated decline of the […]
This short report is a response to the government white paper Fixing our broken housing market. Its starting point is that the white paper is a welcome strategy document which codifies significant and positive shifts in rhetoric. However what the white paper delivers in rhetoric it lacks in specific policy prescriptions. It identifies the parts of the system […]